Saturday, May 14, 2022

REVIEW: Nighthaunt Battletome - The Rules

The best army in all of AoS (totally not a biased opinion) has finally gotten its new book for AoS3, the Nighthaunt! Just like with my Maggotkin of Nurgle review, this ended up being pretty large, so I'm splitting it up into two reviews, one focusing on the rules, and the other on the lore and Path to Glory. Today we're going to take a look at all of the new army and Matched Play rules!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

GALLERY: Jon Davies' Beasts of Chaos

Jon Davies' Beasts of Chaos

I've long been a fan of Jon Davies' (known as JP Miniatures online) fantastic Beasts of Chaos army. They're the perfect blend of dark and twisted and really embody the "True Children of Chaos" ethos that the Beasts profess. When I saw that he was posting up new pictures of them with some wonderfully thematic background I just knew I had to ask him if he'd like to show them off on here, and luckily he said yes!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

REVIEW: Warhammer Underworlds - Nethermaze

Nethermaze Review

The next core box (season?) of Warhammer Underworlds is here with Nethermaze! What's different between Harrowdeep and Nethermaze? What's all included in the box? Why didn't they name it Harrowdeeper? Let's find out!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

REVIEW: Season of War - Thondia

Our first real narrative expansion for Age of Sigmar 3 has arrived in the form of Season of War: Thondia! AoS has always had "event" narrative books, like Malign Portents, Forbidden Power, or Broken Realms, but not nearly as many stand alone narrative supplements as 40k has been getting. To say I'm excited for this is a bit of an understatement. So, what lurks within the Realm of Beasts? Let's find out!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

REVIEW: Battletome Idoneth Deepkin

The last book of AoS1 has finally gotten its update for the new edition of the game in the form of everyone's favorite undersea aelves, the Idoneth Deepkin. What have Teclis' number one fans been up to within the Mortal Realms and what changes have been made to their rules? Let's delve under the waves and find out!

Friday, February 18, 2022

REVIEW: The Imperium Magazine - Issues 1-3

Living on the wrong side of the pond, I've been jealous of the partwork magazine subscriptions they've had in the UK for 40k and AoS these past few years. Well, it's finally our turn, with the Imperium Magazine subscription now available in the US! What exactly is the Imperium magazine and what can you expect from your subscription? Let's find out!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Tyler's Tools of the Trade

I assemble, convert, and paint a lot of models, as you may have noticed. Every now and then I get asked about what brush I'm using, or something along those lines, so I figured I would give everyone a quick rundown of some of my most commonly used tools while hobbying!