Showing posts with label Commissions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commissions. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

GALLERY: Hero Forge Commission

I have done a few of these Hero Forge commissions now, but each one is different and fun to work on. With this latest commission I got a chance to paint some models that were made with Hero Forge's newest material. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

GALLERY: Hero's Forge Commission

This is now the second set of Hero's Forge minis that I have painted as a commission, and it was once again, a fun break from the Warhammer world. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015: A Year in Review

2015 has come and gone and there have been quite a few big moments in our hobby during the year. This has also been the first full year of Mengel Miniatures doing three posts a week, my first "real" year of being a fully functioning hobby site. With that in mind I took a look back at the top 15 posts from 2015!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

GALLERY: Bushido Commission

This guy was the second part of a commission for me and was a little out of my normal repertoire being non Warhammer. While I was a little unsure of it at first, I ended up really enjoying it. I got to try a few colors and techniques I don't normally do, which is always a plus as a painter.

Monday, August 31, 2015

GALLERY: Wizard of the Far East

My latest commission was for something rather unique, an Asian themed wizard for Dungeons and Dragons. This model looked great and was a joy to paint.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

GALLERY: Dungeons and Dragons Crew

This has to have been one of the most unique commissions I have ever done. Check out this completely custom designed, 3D printed and painted Dungeons and Dragons adventure group!

Monday, June 22, 2015

GALLERY: Black Templar Marshall

This has to have been one of my most enjoyable commissions to do in awhile. The Black Templars have always fascinated me and I really like their color scheme. I had already painted a mostly black and white marine army though with my Sons of Dorn, so I had never really wanted to take the dive again. Now with this commission I got to scratch that itch and give the Templars a try.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

HOBBY: Converting a Black Templar Marshall

It's not often that I have a reason to do such an elaborate conversion outside of a competition. This Black Templar Marshall (or captain) is a commission I picked up recently and it really let me flex my sculpting muscles.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Necron Tomb Stalker

Hey everyone, today I have finally finished work on a Tomb Stalker commission I have had for a friend. It was a lot of work, but I am pretty happy with it, I'm sure the guardsmen would disagree.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Sons of Amit

Hello everyone, I recently finished working on this commission for a Flesh Tearer sternguard squad, and I have to say, I enjoyed painting them.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Abra Kadabra!

Hello everyone, I know it was a long time in between posts and all of a sudden I have 2 within a day of each other! Unfortunately that's just how life rolls the D6 sometimes. I am going to try and be more consistent with at least one post a week in the future.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Necron Tomb Stalker

Just a quick update today. I finally finished construction and conversion on the Necron Tomb Stalker and its now ready for paint. I've been working on and off on this guy for awhile now, and let me tell you, this model is super fiddly to put many legs.

Its a commission and the client wanted it to be phasing through a wall and attacking a Guardsman. Converting the guardsman was the most fun part of this and I went through several ideas before I settled on the final pose for him. I am pretty happy with how he turned out.

The hardest part of the conversion was getting all the legs to fit on the base with that wall in the way. I still may need to take out a few chunks of the wall to get the Stalker to sit as flush as I want.

Until next time,

Tyler M.

Friday, October 12, 2012

For Sigmar!

Or whatever god is appropriate!

Just finished this guy as part of a commission. He is for a game of D & D and will have a wizard joining him shortly. I am trying to play catch up on some commissions while also getting started on some more Plaguebearers so I can get the painting guide for them done. This guy was fairly quick and easy as far as commissions go, now I just have one more single model and the grand daddy of commissions that has been on a slow burn for awhile now; a heavily converted Necron Tomb Stalker.

And in other exciting news there will be a step by step painting guide for my Maximus figure in the November issue of Wargames Illustrated

I am told it will be out around the last week of October, so be sure to pick up a copy. I cover every color with high resolution pictures for each step.

Until next time,

Tyler M.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Christmas Comes Up a Little Short This Year

Ho ho ho everyone, I have a new commission for you to take a look at. I have actually had this guy for awhile, it was a free miniature a client got in his shipment of dwarfs and elfs that I had painted up months ago and he said, what the heck, why not paint this guy to. Paint 'em if you got 'em. Well I constantly faced a dilemma with this model, all I could picture when I looked at it was Santa Dwarf. Recently I got two new models from the same guy, a priest and a wizard (expect to see them on here at some point) and I told him about my dilemma. His answer, just go for it.

So I present to you Santa Dwarf.

Hope you like it. I decided to keep the paint job pretty straight forward to really emphasize the Santa-ness of him.

Comments and crit welcome,

Tyler M.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ace of Spades

Hey everyone, I know its been awhile and my lack of painting progress has been bothering me as well. Due to work and being sick I haven't been able to do much besides finish up 5 more of my Tomb Guard (no pictures of these guys, sorry).

I have been working on a long term (much longer then I originally planned) commission, but it is still in the building phase. Right now I am at the point that will involve some heavy conversion and sculpting so have slowed down a bit on it. I have managed to sneak in this quick commission though. It is a pretty interesting sculpt and I was half tempted to make him a wild west version of Gambit from X-Men. The only direction I was given was to give him a dark jacket. With that one and only guideline I decided on a overall dark color scheme.

Since the colors were so dark I decided to add some patterns to the clothes to "liven" them up. The pants got pin stripes and the vest a dot pattern. I also decided to give him stubble and a touch of grey to make him look a little world weary. Unfortunately I could not get he camera to focus better then this.

Tyler M.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Finished up this commission today. It is always interesting when I get to work on something out of the norm like this guy. He's a Tailman miniature and was quite interesting. It wasn't as well defined as most other gaming miniatures but nothing to bad and a lot of fun to paint. As soon as I saw that I was going to get to paint up a guy with a fireball my mind started ticking with ideas for the glow.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

D&D Commission

Looks like I came down with a bad case of the Meazels, I mean these guys of course.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Son of Sangunius

I recently finished up work on a commission for a Flesh Tearer character. This guy was pretty fun to paint, I had to follow a guide laid out on From The Warp as he had already painted some marines for the same client.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I finished up a pair of commissions the other day, a western halfling and a model called King of the Fire Giants.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Commission News

Thought I would wrap this all up into one news post for today. I have updated my Commissions Info page with examples of each level of painting service that I offer. Hopefully this will give people a better idea of what they can expect, but remember, nothing is concrete, I can always do something completely different if you want.