Friday, November 29, 2019

Mini of the Week 11-29-19

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful for the Hobby

For all my fellow Americans out there, today is Thanksgiving where we are supposed to say what we are thankful for. As well as eat a lot of turkey of course.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mini of the Week 11-22-19

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Warhammer - The Old World: What's Old is New Again

I'm sure we all saw the big news last week, the Old World and setting of classic Warhammer Fantasy is coming back. It's still a few years out, but that's still pretty huge. I figured I would take a bit of time to jot down some of my thoughts on the announcement.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mini of the Week 11-15-19

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

To Unify or Not to Unify Your Basing

When AoS launched we were given a new opportunity to have gigantic collections with the Grand Alliances. Even with everything becoming more specialized with the Battletomes, we still have allies and mercenaries. So, what do you do about basing? Do you use one scheme for an entire Grand Alliance, or do you make each force unique?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Mini of the Week 11-8-19

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mixing Your Own Colors

Mixing colors while you paint is a time honored tradition. Back in the day when the paint range didn't have 30 shades of green this was a necessity as well. What do you do though when the mixed color is a vital part of your army's color scheme though and not just a one off?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mini of the Week 11-1-19

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.