Friday, April 29, 2016

Mini of the Week 4-29-16

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

REVIEW: Warbeast

Gav Thorpe had long been a staple in the novels of the Old World, and now he has made his first full length novel foray into the Age of Sigmar. The Celestial Vindicators and the Knights Excelsior head deep into Ghur to prepare the way for Sigmar's assault on the Allpoints, although their Lord-Celestants don't always agree. So how does the newest addition to the Realmgate Wars novel series fare?

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Strange Case of the Seraphon Battletome

Today I would like to talk about the strange case of the Seraphon Battletome. What do I mean by that, well when you start comparing it to every release for AoS before and after you start noticing something that makes it a little different then everything else.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Mini of the Week 4-22-16

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

TUTORIAL: Gryph-Hound

The Gryph-Hound is one of the coolest little companion pieces I have seen GW make, so I was pretty eager to paint mine up. I went for a lion crossed with a bald eagle for mine. If you want to paint your's similar then you're in luck because I put together a tutorial on the whole process.

Monday, April 18, 2016

GALLERY: Lord-Castellant and Gryph-Hound

I have been working on my Stormcast Eternals for awhile now, but until recently they had been leaderless. I had several of the heroes built, but picked the Lord-Castellant as the first to paint to lead my warriors to victory.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Mini of the Week 4-15-16

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

REVIEW: Stormcast Eternals Extremis

Stormcast Eternals Extremis is the first supplemental Battletome for the Stormcast, introducing a brand new fighting chamber to the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. As a Stormcast fan I was relatively excited for this, so how did it fare?

Monday, April 11, 2016

HOBBY: Making your own Objective Markers

Objective markers are probably the last thing most people think about for their armies, but it can really help theme your force more. Not all scenarios call for them, but when they do it's nice to have something that fits your army over just a piece of paper or a dice.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Mini of the Week 4-8-16

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

2016 Adepticon AoS Tournament

Adepticon has come and gone, the big build up to get everything done in time is now over. So how was it and how did the Tomb Kings fare in the tournament?

Monday, April 4, 2016

REVIEW: Wardens of the Everqueen

Wardens of the Everqueen is the tie in novel to the Balance of Power campaign book and the first full length novel in the series. Every other book so far has been a collection of novellas. So how does this one fare?

Friday, April 1, 2016

Mini of the Week 4-1-16

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.